Saturday, April 4, 2015

Dr. Isaam Nemeh

I just received this Email from Kathy Nemeh, Dr. Nemeh's wife, who by the way is just a joy to be around.

As fantastic as this video sounds we found it to be true because we worked with Dr. Nemeh by SKYPE (which was the first miracle because Tracy is VERY not Catholic or religious).  Tracy also didn't ( doesn't??) believe in energy healing, faith healing, spontaneous healing or the like.  But when you are given the diagnosis of ALS and the prognosis of misery followed by more misery followed by death it allows you to take chances you wouldn't normally take.

So after researching Dr. Nemeh on line and reading about him and watching videos I called this office in Ohio where I asked some questions and explained our condition.  We were given an appointment time and connected with the Dr. and his wife via SKYPE.  (That was the second miracle as I am not too good at the whole cyber world and I, for some strange reason tend to have electronics freak out around me quite often).

The doctor asked some questions and gave advice as to diet changes and nutritional ideas including getting a Vitamix, which we did and love. Details of our Vitamix will be in another post.  He gave advice on mindset and assured us he had helped ALSers heal in the past.
When he was done with his medical advice he then asked if it would be okay to pray for Tracy and we of course said yes.

He told Tracy to just relax and notice his body.  Nemeh put his hand up towards the screen and gently closed his eyes and began to mumble a prayer.  I waited for lightning bolts from heaven or a choir of angels to swoop down but....huh... no.  Tracy sat waiting and I watching and the Doctor finally asked if he felt anything.  Tracy said no. The doctor said that's okay.  He prayed for a bit longer and his wife came up and joined in for a bit.

Then there was a clicking sound through the internet which the doctor pointed out as a sign of his energy effecting the connection.  There has been a study done on that and it seems each person has there own frequency and you can find a video about it on You Tube.

The doctor asked about changes.  Again Tracy said no and the doctor asked him again- are you sure?  Tracy then did admit he did feel calmer.  The Anxiety was GONE.   There is a GREAT horrible anxiety that goes with this ALS disease and diagnosis.  There is a constant fear of choking to death or being trapped in your body and not be able to communicate along with a thousand other things Tracy would constantly imagine and worry about.  

From that day the horrible oppressive panic has never returned.
This changed our lives dramatically.  I couldn't be away from Tracy for even 5 minutes before this without him becoming terribly nervous and anxious and upset.  This new calm allowed us to actually enjoy watching a movie or talking about family things without that agonizing, gut wrenching sadness over shadowing every move.  Don't get me wrong. We still struggle with our limitations and deal with the emotional roller coaster of living with ALS.  But there absolutely was an improvement to our lives from that one encounter with the doctor.

We had another SKYPE session with him a few months later and we decided to take a road trip to Cleveland to meet the good doctor in person and see if close up we could get even better results.
We went to his very modest office where I expected lines of people to be waiting to see him, but no.

They let you know that the appointments are how ever long they need to be so you may have to wait if the doctor is "on a roll" with another person.

We were lucky and only had to wait a short time.  We were completely entertained by the conversation with Kathy Nemeh and staff, telling stories of the amazing things they see on a daily basis.  I have to say that I personally was MORE than charmed by her warmth and sincere enthusiasm and excitement for those the doctor has helped.  She told us of people who had been paralyzed for years regaining their movement and other ALSers who had improved under his care and she was just as amazed as anyone else to see them move and heal.

The doctor came out and chatted a minute and exclaimed how GOOD Tracy looked for someone with ALS and that they had helped people much worse than this so he felt confident we would see improvement.

We went in his office and he used an infrared massager called a G-Shark that you can't get in the US very easily.  I know because I have been trying to buy if for a couple of years.  I had never heard of Infrared healing before this but NASA developed it and now you can even find Infrared Saunas to improve general aches and muscle pains.  You can buy a $350 Infrared panel from Best Buy meant to enhance beauty of facial skin.  I was cheap and bought a $12 Infrared light that is meant to hook up to security systems.  I put a piece of black tape over the light sensor so when you plug it in it is on instead of only working in the dark.  He quickly massaged several areas of Tracy's neck, shoulders and legs.

He then used a Green Lazer light which he says helps stimulate nerves and helps them activate.  I've looked everywhere for information about this but can not find much.  The doctor has a special $250 high power laser  but he told me buy a $15 green laser pointer meant for meetings and presentations.  He warned me not to go above a certain MW and never point it IN the eyes, mirrors or crystals.  We are to focus on joints and the tips of the fingers, toes and between vertebrae in the spine.

The he massaged Tracy with a 10" sub woofer with a cover hooked up to an amplifier.  The magnet has to be powerful enough to make an effect so smaller easy to handle one is not effective.  He explained how to make one, where to buy the parts and even showed me that they sewed the covers themselves and put sponges inside to create a soft massaging effect.  But it's the magnet that really makes the difference according to the doctor.  Again- I had never heard of anything like this but when I got asking around, anyone who works with horses knew exactly what I was talking about and this therapy has been used for a long time.  We LOVE ours.  It's like having our own Magic Fingers like cheap hotels used to have back when we were kids.

The doctor insists that ALL his ALS patients have had at least one but usually two serious physical traumas that effect the head, neck and/or spine.  Car accidents, sports injuries, slipping down the stairs....  Tracy has had that times 10 but two major more recent ones that, now that we look back, does seem to be when ALS symptoms might have started.

He gave other medical advice and then as we got ready to leave he mentioned they were having a healing service and would love for us to come.
Again I was absolutely shocked when Tracy said YES!!!  Tracy- church?  Voluntarily????  

It ended up being at a hotel, not at a church and Tracy instantly began to have second thoughts.
Lots of hustle and bustle of volunteers doing their best to make everything go smoothly.  He preached a bit and then started a line of people up there that he prayed over.
This took a while and so I stepped out for a minute to ask a question and was helped by a very enthusiastic young lady.  I asked how she came be volunteering  for the good doctor and she told me the story of her twin sister, a nurse, who had a shoulder injury that developed into a frozen shoulder.  It was extremely painful and completely ruined this very active young gals life as she could not longer play tennis or work or sleep.  She had gone to many fine specialists and nothing could be done to help her.  She suffered with this for a very long time.  Her sister was prayed for by Dr. Nemeh and it was instantly dramatically better.  From that moment on these sisters dedicate their time to help Dr. Nemeh when ever they can.  As I continue to chat, most of the people working there were volunteers that had been helped by Nemeh in some way at some time.

Our session didn't create any new changes that we recognized but it was interesting to hear the people there who did have great improvements.

So we came home and eventually I called to make another SKYPE appointment and you know what they told me?  Stop spending money on appointments!  If I had a question just leave a message and the doctor will send the answer back to me!  He also said- once you've been prayed for you don't need to keep coming back.  God already know and is helping you.

But, eventually the doctor came to Dallas for a healing service and of course we had to go and even invited another couple.  We waited a long time to get up there but it was worth it- to ME anyway!  I was having very uncomfortable back pain between my shoulder blades on me spine.  I pulled something out of line lifting Tracy.  As the doctor came up to me he put one hand on my back between my shoulder blades where it hurt (I had not said anything even to Tracy about this pain) and the other hand on my chest just below my collar bone and gently swayed me back and forth and suddenly there was a quick POP! and the doctor gently smiled and continued to pray a bit longer and finally moved on.

I kept waiting for the pain to come back but it never did.
After the service we went up to the doctor and I exclaimed that he had fixed my back pain and his reply was- I know, very matter of fact.  I thought that was so so funny.  It felt like he was thinking- I know- I was THERE remember?

So- Is Tracy 100% cured.  Nope. Is he better that he was.  Yes and so am I and we talked with quite a few people who have great stories of being healed.

I feel that it was very much worth our time and money.
We have learned a lot, made new friends and are physically better off than when we started.


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