Sunday, June 14, 2015

Feeding Tube

Sorry I have been lax on the posts lately.  There are so many things I want to share so others who are on this journey too won't have to figure everything out from scratch too.

I am posting to say that Tracy is going in on June 18th for Feeding Tube Placement.
We are both bummed that it's come to this but I do have a different perspective too.
I see that I can get him water and nutrition.  I believe that dehydration could be part of his gut issue.
I think if I can get his gut healed he will be able to absorb nutrition better.
From what I have studied gut issues with ALS are common.
Where my first instinct and second and maybe more, was to blame drugs for doing the damage, we had several doctors mention that the gut is the second (sometimes first) brain and crazy nerve disorders send messages that effect the gut. Think how people's stomach hurt when they are worried or tired or upset.

We will be doing more hypnosis ( you hear that honey?) and I will look forward to giving him more coconut oil and water and then start sneaking in some extra nutrition so see what he can make happen.

Tracy also started in the Trilogy machine which he has had forever and couldn't use.  Dr. Viroslav insists he get used to it and changed some setting to make sure he could.

Sorry this is short and incomplete but the boss is calling.  Something is better than nothing!