Friday, August 28, 2020

Healing ALS is possible but not easy

 For those of you who are big Tracy Blog fans I am sad to say he has not, as of yet, come back to the planet.  But I find myself compelled to speak to those who landed here looking for some help and some home, some pearl of wisdom that is going to help you thru the nightmare of ALS Diagnosis.

Yes- the DIAGNOSIS is deadly.  The disease is a challenge.  The Diagnosis is what, in my view, is the big nail in the coffin so many are racing to throw those diagnosed into.

During our ALS journey I researched ever moment I could to find anyone who had survived ALS long term and hoped to find the miracles along the way of those who have actually healed.

Well- Better late than never!!!

THERE IS HOPE.  People are healing.  

Don't believe me!! Seriously- Don't believe Anything anyone says.  Do your own research.  Contact these people and actually talk to live people who are just like you.  Same diagnosis.  

It's not easy or quick or simple.  There is no magic pill.  But it is POSSIBLE to heal because I am talking to a group of those who have survived ALS long term or are in the process of reversing symptoms or have reversed symptoms.  I know, I know- You are thinking-if this was true the doctors would have told you about it.  NOPE.  Doctors will tell you what they were taught to tell you.  How do you think they ALL say the exact same thing no matter who you are or what stage you present your case to them?

I'm just saying- What do you have to lose to look?

I know what you have to lose if you don't.

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