Saturday, July 18, 2015

This is from Linda Keegan Paulhus who is creating a healing center for ALS.

 I am cheating again.
There is just not enough time in the day to get to everything and write about it at this point.
I have come in contact with Linda Keegan Paulhus who is a wonderful enthusiastic powerhouse of a person who is committed to seeing those with ALS have the opportunity to heal.
She lost her son to this disease and has studied about it for many years.
This is her advice to those diagnosed with ALS.

LUTIMAX-Has the highest concentration of lineolic acid [sublingual].  of any product developed.  I was in constant communication with Tom Lahey, developer [deceased a couple of years ago].  He used his personal money to develop this product [google Lutimax as the company still makes it available].  There was an TV interview in Los Angeles with ALS patients who were speech impaired.  Within 15 minutes, speech was regained.  An L.A. firefighter with ALS went to M.D.A. and spoke with Jerry Lewis who said he would accept it for clinical trials.  Like everything else where drug companies cannot profit, it was swept under the rug.
There is no magic bullet.  Lutimax helps nourish maintain the brain, henceforth,  improves speech.  It is an exceptional aid.
It has taken 14 years to prove what causes ALS      A    dvanced     L   iver       S    ymptoms
Every symptom, muscle deterioration, anemia, fatigue, digestive problems, fasciculations, inability to eliminate waste from the body, malabsorption,  etc.   ---are all symptoms of stage 4 liver disease.  Very simple:  Research malabsorption and/or pernicious anemia caused by liver disease.
CAUSES: DIET [gluten causes liver blockage; Recent Hepatic Infarction], statin drugs; [Northwest U. 2006, statin drugs are a probable cause of ALS], multiple medications.
Why are they missing this??   The blood panel used to detect liver disease can be up to 65% inaccurate.  If the blood panel does not reveal a problem, doctors will not order a Sonogram of the liver [visual picture].
Schilling Test-Measures the absorption of B12
LIVER SONOGRAM-100% of ALS patients tested had some level of liver disease.  If not treated, the condition graduates to non-alcoholic cirrhosis, anemia, then, pernicious anemia.
C-Reactive Protein Test
Homocysteine levels.  
Epstein Barr Virus-HHV-6    60% of M.S. patients have been dx'd with EBV [from tainted polio shots; mother's are carriers]     Dr.Martin 
DO NOT OVERLOAD YOURSELF RESEARCHING NEUROTOXINS.   The metals, bacteria, etc. cannot be eliminated from the body until the liver is functioning.  At that point, an oral chelator and minerals are used.  IV chelation is too abrupt.
LIVER TREATMENT:   Researched medical archives.   Doctors Minot and Whipple won a Nobel Prize for the restoration of the liver.
MYER'S COCKTAIL:  Developed by Dr. Myer's, this is a nutritional IV drip designated for malabsorption.  It also contains glutathione.   You cannot produce blood cells without B12.  B 12 shots are life sustaining.  [need both immediately]
CHECK FOR DEHYDRATION AND ELECTROLYTE imbalance.  Due to liver blockage, one may consume an adequate amount of fluids that are unable to be transported through the fiber net in the liver. 
HORMONE IMBALANCE may be present, especially in women with ALS.  The liver produces and balances the hormones.  A toxic liver creates severe imbalances, more so with women.  They tend to become highly emotional and are unable to retain information.  Men, on the average, tend to follow through with recommendations as the emotional status is not as compromised. 
I need a tech person [age related lack of skills] as I am not set up for Skype and have no clue.  If you can, try to comment on ALSTDI.   Millions of dollars have been raised for ALS patients and many would like it to be used with a focus----evidentiary proof and treatment.  No one seems to ask the patients how THEIR money will be spent.
FORWARDING MY COMMENTS TO SOME ALS PATIENTS AND CARETAKERS.  They will contact you by choice depending on health status and caretaker ability.   
Take care and keep asking questions,
ALL OF THE MEDICAL INFORMATION AVAILABLE I.E.  SOD 1, Bulbar, pathogens,  etc.   are just secondary conditions caused by liver disease and the inability to absorb nutrients and fluids, and/or, the inability to eliminate toxins.