Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Medical Rehabilitation Center of the European Academy of Folk Medicine

 I keep thinking I am going to write a series of quick posts about helpful tools we use to make daily life easier for anyone dealing with chronic illness but then we meet people that have helped us in unexpected ways and I just feel I need to share it.

We are taught here in America that Doctors are the only ones to listen to, when dealing with serious illness.  It's actually illegal for healers outside the medical community to share information they KNOW will help for fear of legal action taken against them.

One of our biggest hurdles in dealing with ALS has been understanding and BELIEVING anything really helpful CAN be done because we are told so often that "there is no hope for a cure right now".  Anyone saying you can get well from ALS is just after our money we are told over and over again.

Since we know that isn't true because we are talking to those healing from ALS, it allows us to look all over the world for ideas and we have found so much that has helped us.

Right now I am in conversation with this Rehabilitation Center in Poland.


They are helping me understand their methods for healing which are all natural.
Their clients have all forms of what we would be told are "incurable diseases" and the video shows many testimonials of those who have healed there.

As American's we are taught to distrust "things that are too good to be true".
But how much sense does it make to believe this place has a team of people that coordinated all these actors to dupe the world?  Why would they give away healing information and offer to skype with us for free if that was true?

Detox, nutrition, healthy mindset, good diet.  Over and over again these are the same things we are told from all the different groups around the world and even in the USA that ARE HEALING ALS.

Why do I keep harping on this?  Because it has taken me 4 years to UNbrainwash Tracy from the doctors diagnosis.  
He believed there was no reason to even try to chase around all these healing ideas since none of them would work and he knew they wouldn't work because the doctors TOLD HIM that nutrition doesn't heal ALS.  Hypnosis doesn't Heal ALS.  There is no proof that Detoxing will heal ALS.    Perhaps that is because there is NO SUCH THING AS ALS.  Perhaps we are dying of an unhealthy life style and jetted into crisis by a traumatic circumstance that flips the panic button on in our nervous system which creates many of these symptoms.

Do you know there is no real test to Prove we have ALS?  Isn't that ironic since doctors base all comments on needing PROOF that this or that works from their own scientific system?

Diagnosing ALS is eliminating all other possibilities and then they do an EMG to see if you have the fasciculation signature (nerve and muscle jumping) that is ALS.  But you can have fasciculations without any other symptoms and that is NOT ALS.

My point is- if you have been diagnosed with ALS that means you have a serious health problem that needs to be addressed immediately.  It does NOT MEAN you WILL die in 2-5 years.  
It means starting THAT DAY you MUST start to take care of yourself as well as you have taken care of all the other people in your life (which is a personality trait of ALSers).
It means you need to STOP FIGHTING the illness and everyone else including yourself.
Nurture yourself like you wish you had been nurtured by your parents and spouses and family.
Eat organic.  Find a healer who understands Detox and Nutrition.
Find a good hypnotist that can help you focus on happiness and health and release all the negative imprints and shock from a life time full of stress.

If you have questions feel free to contact us!

1 comment:

  1. Hi my boyfriend has als and we are desperate for a cure. Did you go to poland and did it work for you?
